The sharing of experience and knowledge of cinematography is important to us, as we recognise that change is constant and there is a need to keep up to date with factual information and not the ill-informed gossip that propagates across most of the ‘net.
The Discussions menus take you to the current discussions where professional cinematographers share knowledge and information and help with the continued education of anyone involved in cinematography.
The Reference menus take you to edited discussions on a vast range of subjects related to cinematography.
We independently and thoroughly test all new cinematography cameras and lenses in a quickly changing environment and the Equipment Evaluations menus will take you to the tests.
The CML Info menu has information about CML itself: how to sign up for the discussion lists, supporting CML via sponsorship or subscription, conditions of membership, and background information about CML and how it is run.
Beginners and non-cinematographers are welcome to read any list, but we’d be grateful if they kept their questions to the mentor discussion list, where cinematographers will answer questions as their schedules allow.
We host a weekly online video chat on Wednesdays. Press the Cinematography Zoom Discussions button for a direct link to the chat, for a calendar link, and for recordings of previous discussions.
As cinematography standards are compromised with the introduction of equipment that makes it easy to get “acceptable” results we help professional cinematographers hold on to a sense of discipline and quality. “Good enough” is not good enough and “close enough” is miles away from good.
Of necessity our discussions are often of a technical nature, but we never lose sight of the fact that we are “Guardians of the Image”.
These discussions were started in 1996 by Geoff Boyle NSC and the participants are cinematographers and their crew, as well as representatives of all the main manufacturing and rental companies involved in cinematography worldwide.
Copyright © CML. All rights reserved.