Lots of lens tests!

I’ve finally got around to finishing all the lens tests, I was kinda delayed by events last year! So here they all are…

Angeniuex Optimo 15 to 40

Arri Alura 15.5 to 45

Arri Master Primes

Arri Ultra Primes

Canon 15.5 to 47

Canon 17 to 120

TLS Cooke S3

Cooke S4 Mini

Cooke S4

Cooke 5i

Fuji Cabrio ZK

Hawk Vlite

Hawk Flare

Hawk 1.3 ana

Illumina Coated

Illumia Uncoated

Leica Summilux

Leica Summicron

Panavision Primo

Schneider Xenar

Zeiss CP2

Zeiss CZ2 15 to 30

If you want them all on the same page the go here

Lots of new camera tests in a month or so.

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