More files to peruse on your smartphone!

Digital Cinema Cameras Full resolution EXR files

These are links to ZIP folders of one EXR frame per exposure +/- 4 stops

The EXR’s were generated by the manufacturers own software, with the exception of the Varicam which was done in Resolve as they don’t have their own software.

They are VERY large files. Most are in ACEScc space, if not it’s because the manufacturers didn’t specify anything other than ACES so the may be linear or log.


Blackmagic Ursa Mini-Pro

Canon C200

Canon C300-2 & Odyssey

Canon C700 4.5K

RED Dragon

RED Helium 7K

RED Scarlet

Sony F5

Sony F55

Sony F65

Varicam LT & Odyssey

Varicam Pure

I’d recommend that you view these on your smartphone, it’s only 10.5GB in all and each file is at least 50MB but hey! your smartphone will easily cope with that!

If you do that you’ll see that there is absolutely no reason to get one of these cameras, your DSLR is way better and your iPhone better still.

Actually, I’m thinking of doing a similar test with some DSLR’s, I’d rather eat my own leg but I feel I have to do it just to prove a point.

On the other hand, maybe I’m wrong, maybe a $2K camera is really as good as a $60K one. If you believe that I’ve got this bridge you may want to buy…

Oh and just in case… load these files into Resolve with it set to ACEScc and 4K DCI, then set the input to ACEScc and the output to 709, don’t crop the image, move around it using the positioning controls in color.

This will let you look at the full beauty, or horror, of each file.

Yes, they all pretty much capture it all, well, a couple of horrors at the top end but you’ll find those for yourself. Now, look at the lower exposures and ask yourself how much noise and colour shift you can live with. You now have the USABLE dynamic range. Strangely enough it’s not always what it appears to be or what manufacturers say it is.


3 thoughts on “More files to peruse on your smartphone!”

  1. The only DSLR I’d like to see properly tested against cinema cameras is the 5DmkIII when running current Magic Lantern raw firmware…that would be very interesting.

  2. Hello,

    Firstly, thank you for all of the work you have done here testing the cameras. This information is incredibly valuable.

    I downloaded some of the attached EXFs after watching the short clips on Vimeo. I noticed that in the C200/C300 mkii/C700 videos, at 4 stops there is a harsh change in contrast and color in the highlights.

    I played with the EXRs in Resolve a bit, and it looks like the sensor has indeed clipped information, so maybe that’s all I’m seeing in the videos (after adjusting to normal exposure)? Which would mean that the Alexa (and F55/Dragon/F65/Varicam) has better highlight range than the Canon? Or, at least a softer roll off?

    According to Canon, the C300 mkii sensor should have a range of +6.3 at ISO800 (and above) when in CLog2. Was the C200 footage shot in CLog2?

    If so, your findings seem to disprove Canon’s claims!

    What are your feelings on the C200?


    1. That’s why I posted the EXR’s, they are nearly all produced with the manufacturers own software so I hope that they know how to get the best out of their own cameras!
      If the EXR is showing a clipped image then the image is indeed clipped.
      Bear in mind that the exposure may well go to plus 4 but the highlight chip is starting at plus 2.5 stops over mid grey so at plus 4 that chip is actually plus 6.5 stops. The same applies to the shadows.
      Now in theory any of the camera manufacturers claimed responses would have given you both ends of the scale.
      In reality cameras get noisy below 2 stops under at best and most mange 3.5 stops over.
      I have to say that I wouldn’t include the Dragon in the list of cameras without highlight problems!!

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