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Canon C700 raw FF July 2018

These evaluations were carried out by Geoff Boyle in early July 2018 at the University of the West of England (UWE)

Coordination was by David Neal of UWE and I was assisted by Sergejs Bozoks and a group of UWE students.

All cameras were tested usingZeiss Supreme Prime Lenses, 50mm for S35 & 75mm for FF

The cameras, where appropriate, were set to whatever resolution came closest to a "standard" S35 or Full Frame frame.

Lighting was Blondes for the Tungsten tests and ARRI Sky Panels for the daylight, in tungsten light the manufacturers preset for 3200 was used in the daylight tests cameras were autobalanced.

The reference charts were courtesy of DSClabs

The Cameras were exposed in half stop intervals from T1.5 with a 180 degree shutter to T22 with a 22.5 degree shutter. All cameras were set to the manufacturers recommeded EI. Light level was 400 foot candles.

The only objective here is to establish the true ISO of any camera and to find a precise usable dynamic range. I emphasise usable as although more may be measurable it may be too noisy to use or the colour may change too much.


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