Cinematography Mailing List - CML

These images were shot as part of a series of makeup tests and are included here to give people a chance to see what the ARRI D-21 and the SI-2K images look like in a very basic grade.

Both camera were shot in RAW uncompressed mode and the resultant files were processed in SpeedGrade DI to produce 1920 * 1080 images. Unlike all the other images in the Hannover sessions these are not in log form but have very basic grading applied just using the included LUT's that come with SpeedGrade.

The Arri was rated and processed at 200 ISO, the SI was rated and processed at 250 ISO

As is Usual with CML tests click on the small image to get a full res DPX file.


Arri D-21 SI-2K



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