Using Instagram and other social media for demo reels, marketing, and connecting with clients. Also: reusing gaffer tape; YouTube vs. Vimeo for demo reels; full-frame vs. S35 if you’re buying a new camera and lenses; Shokz bone-conduction headphones; Magnepan and Klipsch speakers.
Chat transcript:
00:25:09 Gary Huff: Backchannel is apparently just the DM system for Clubhouse.
00:32:34 Danna kinsky: So now you don’t need instagram
00:40:47 Craig Needelman: You can buy and sell gear on Facebook. I just bought a used Sony A7s III there
00:41:00 Gary Huff: I am still old school and sell a lot of gear on Craigslist.
00:45:25 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: I sell my gear on CML!
00:47:15 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: I also buy and sell on eBay
00:47:28 Danna kinsky: Good point - renting your gear to others also creates networking. But it’s all “gigs” - not cinematography projects
00:47:41 Karen Rodriguez:
00:47:48 Danna kinsky: I got a job from a person I rented to next time they were in town
00:48:26 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: is an interesting place to have your profile much like what Jan is speaking about now.
00:48:46 Gary Huff: I don’t like Staff Me Up
00:48:53 Gary Huff: I feel like a lot of the local listings for me are fake.
00:49:02 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: Slated is really for feature work
00:49:10 guy mastrion: Check out podcasts and YouTube for Seth Godin - marketing guru
00:49:26 Gary Huff: I have never gotten a job off of Staff Me Up
00:50:38 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: Another place to sell and rent gear is Sharegrid
00:52:21 Gareth Roberts: I work as a IATSE camera operator out of Nova Scotia Canada. I get small shooting gigs off of Facebook and occasionally Production Hub.
00:57:22 Jordan Lorenz: Carve out a niche
00:57:40 Gary Huff: What’s your niche?
00:58:11 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: my niche is “obscurity”
00:58:23 David Mudre: lol
00:58:43 Eric Wenocur: I charge a fee to see my niche.
00:58:48 Jordan Lorenz: my niches are documentaries, bikes, and presskits. and a passion for obsolescence.
00:59:17 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: what kinds of obsolescence?
00:59:17 Danna kinsky: That’s a good niche… now I wonder if I have a niche… didn’t consider adjectives of that kind
00:59:52 Gary Huff: That sounds like interests more than niches
01:00:29 Jordan Lorenz: what makes it a niche is continuously working in it and building knowledge. Plus all of this SEO / data linking, consistency in posting, and networking...
01:00:39 Gary Huff: Is it profitable?
01:00:43 Jordan Lorenz: otherwise you're right it is interests or hobbies.
01:01:11 Jordan Lorenz: is what profitable? the niche? The niche is what draws your customers to you as the person who can solve their problem. what's profitable is running a business like any other.
01:01:50 Jordan Lorenz: but don't take my advice, Roberto Schaefer ASC is specializing in Obscurity, he seems to be doing OK.
01:02:27 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: my obscurity rating is soaring!
01:02:36 Gary Huff: 😆
01:02:44 Danna kinsky: This?
01:02:54 Adam Wilt: In danger of falling out of obscurity if you keep this up…
01:03:50 Jan Klier: @Danna Yes, that Nutshell. Also:
01:05:42 Gary Huff:
01:05:56 Gary Huff:
01:06:04 Gary Huff:
01:07:06 Karen Rodriguez: Those are very cool, Gary.
01:07:17 Jordan Lorenz: I came in late but did we talk about word of mouth? Because that is probably 50-80% of work for me anyway. When I was really heavy on the SEO with weekly blog posts and posting regularly on Instagram that did definitely attract business.
01:07:30 Jordan Lorenz: but always return business / word of mouth has been most of it
01:08:27 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: word of mouth for sure, Must be more challenging in Nova Scotia just due to population density and production levels.
01:08:47 Karen Rodriguez: I have to go shortly, but here's my IG handle. @winduppics
01:09:12 Jordan Lorenz: that's me
01:09:54 Jordan Lorenz: this is our worker-owned co-op
01:11:31 Karen Rodriguez: Now that is a niche!
01:12:21 Karen Rodriguez: Thanks everyone!
01:13:05 Frieder Hochheim: Great chat, got to run. cheers Frieder
01:13:32 Jordan Lorenz: I have to run to another meeting, thank you for indulging me as a late entrant and for all yer wisdom.
01:25:27 guy mastrion:
01:27:10 Craig Needelman: I’m out, thanks for the conversation
01:27:21 Tim Obeck: Hello everyone, first time on. Thank you for hosting.
01:28:09 Ron Sill: A job I worked on with James and Bill Bennett is featured on the site today
01:29:09 guy mastrion: Thanks Ron - nice
01:31:49 Jan Klier: Fun conversation... Have to get back to work...
01:37:13 Danna kinsky: @ron cool!
01:46:53 Eric Wenocur: Gotta roll now, fun discussion!
01:57:13 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: do it Ron!
02:00:05 Adam Wilt: Ursa 12K: 27.03mm x 14.25mm (Super35)
02:00:33 Maxwell Geoffrey: Thanks Adam!
02:01:18 roberto schaefer, asc, aic: I need to move on to a more obscure place now. See y’all next week.
02:01:35 Maxwell Geoffrey: Bye Roberto!
02:02:53 Gareth Roberts: Thank you all, I’ve got another arrangement.
02:18:16 Adam Wilt: FF vs S35:
02:26:37 Adam Wilt:
02:40:09 Adam Wilt: Bone conduction headphones:
02:46:49 Adam Wilt:
02:46:51 Gary Huff: Oooo, they come in colors
02:47:41 Adam Wilt:
02:59:17 Adam Wilt:
03:03:16 Gary Huff: I have to run, see you all!
03:03:43 Adam Wilt:
03:08:33 Tim Obeck: Darko Audio (YouTube channel) Audio reviewer
03:08:50 Maxwell Geoffrey: I've also got to go now, but perhaps it's good for me to not go too far into this rabbit hole with everyone... Haha. See you all next week!
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