Cinematography Mailing List - CML

Aaton A-minima Upgrades

25th May 2004

Hello everyone,

Recently, there was a small discussion about the Minima with regards to time-lapse, and I had asked if anyone had shot time exposures longer than the default 1/4 second (which theoretically can be done with the gate check [up] button).

Someone (I forget who) replied that Aaton had made the firmware upgrade to the camera, whereby now you can dial in your exposure time as well as interval time.

However, there is no mention of this upgrade anywhere on Aaton's website. I had also inquired with Clairmont Camera here in Toronto, and they know nothing about this.

Does anyone know anything about this? JP ? Jeff K.?

My original point was that if there is a gate check button that allows you to hold open the shutter indefinitely, then surely this can be worked out as a remote timed triggering device, unless holding open the shutter indefinitely too many times would damage the movement.

Thanks in advance,

Duraid Munajim
DP / Toronto


thanks so much for clearing this up. After reading your email, I noticed there is a user's manual for 2 versions on the website.

I guess the FAQ's and tech specs have to be modified on the site too.

My next step is to see if Clairmont can upgrade the software on the camera before I rent it out on a gig next weekend.

Kind wishes,

Duraid Munajim
DP / Toronto

>My next step is to see if Clairmont can upgrade the software on the >camera before I rent it out on a gig next weekend.

Note that the upgrade changes the way the on-off button works -- rather than hitting it once, you have to hit it twice -- awful for documentary shooting, and it screws up the simple start-stop of my onboard Minidisc recorder.

So, I never did the upgrade.

I've been too busy to use it, so if anyone wants a barely-used
A-Minima, contact me offlist. CML donation will apply.

Jeff "needs longer rolls" Kreines

Hello Duraid

You asked about A-minima Time-lapse

>I had asked if anyone had shot time exposures longer than the default >1/4 second


The new upgrade works extremely well - here is the info from Aaton.

A-MINIMA version 2.32 software modification


The new A-Minima software V2.32 brings variable exposure rate extending it from 1/4 sec to 255 seconds, using pre-programmed settings.

Note : This new function is only available when setting the "frame burst" at 1 frame.

Magazine footage setting

Starting with the software version 2.32, the A-Minima allows you to set and recall the footage of four different magazines. Second on the Control panel menu, press the DOWN arrow twice to access the magazine A footage setting. Press again on the DOWN arrow if you want to recall or set the mag B, C or D.

The display showing the desired mag ID and footage, pressing YES

Will allow you to validate (press YES) or change the mag footage (UP or DOWN arrows then YES)
24.000 MAG A = 24.000
A 200 ft A 200 ft 200ft 150 ft A 150 ft
Press again on the DOWN arrow if you want to recall or set mag B, C or D
24.000 MAG A = MAG B = 24.000
A 0 ft A 0 ft B 200 ft 200ft B 200 ft

Note : A magazine needs to be installed, locked in its running position, for you to have access to the magazine footage setting. The camera does not take a physical reading of the film roll to determine the footage reading or the magazine ID shown on the display.

Both must be set by the user.

Best regards

John Bowring ACS

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