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DVX100 Timecode Problem

Greetings all,

I have a strange timecode-related issue with the following hardware :
Camera : DVX 100
Deck : AGDV1DC

When playing back a tape on the deck, which was recorded in the DVX, timecode does NOT advance in the on-screen display of the deck - it displays all 0's. When playing back the same tape - on the DVX - timecode shows and advances normally. A tape recorded a few months ago on the SAME camera DOES show timecode when being played back on BOTH the deck AND the camera, however.

A tape recorded on a different camera plays back with correct timecode on both the DVX and the DV1DC.

So...I guess my question is: why would a tape recorded on the DVX not display timecode ONLY on the deck - but show timecode properly everywhere else? Head alignment???


Brian Young
Flaca Productions
Miami Beach, FL

Just a guess : Perhaps the first time you recorded interlaced video and the second time progressive and the deck has some problem reading progressive timecode (or the other way around).

Arturo Briones-Carcaré
Madrid (Spain)

>Just a guess: Perhaps the first time you recorded interlaced video and >the second time progressive and the deck has some problem reading >progressive timecode (or the other way around).

Since the camera always records in 60i I highly doubt this is the problem. Were you always in Record Run on the TC instead of Free Run? How about Regen? Drop v. Non-Drop? Was the deck set to Regen?

Mitch Gross

Good guess, but 60i all the time.

Brian Young

>when playing back the same tape - on the DVX - timecode shows and >advances normally.

Take a tape and record on the DVX100 today. Play that tape back and see what happens. If this tape does not play correctly then perhaps your DVX needs a bit of a tune up. If it does play then Hmmm, maybe gremlins....


Jan Crittenden

Brian Young wrote :

>when playing back the same tape - on the DVX - timecode shows and >advances normally. a tape recorded a few months ago on the SAME >camera DOES show timecode when being played back on BOTH the >deck AND the camera, however.

I had tons of TC issues with my first DVX100 and they continued with my DVX100A...until I learned a few things however.

One is you MUST have the button battery charged in order for any kind to TC memory. That button battery gets charged by plugging in the AC adaptor/charger, without a batter and the camera off. Do this for about 5 hours and that guy will be hot for months and months.

Next, you must have your camera in Regen if you want TC to be accurate.

The thing to do is to pre-strip (30 seconds a tape is fine) about as many tapes as you might use for the day in the time code preset mode and once that's complete, set the camera for Regen. Now alls you have to do is pop a tape in and the camera will pick up the last TC on the tape so you don't have to fumble with the menu in between tapes.

But the main reason for this system to ensure accurate time code and believe me it works!

Allen S. Facemire-DP/Director
SaltRun Productions,inc. Atlanta/Norcross, GA


No video expert whatsoever.

But could it be the tape itself. I am currently working with a JVC camera and was told to avoid two very distinctive makes of tape.


Emmanuel, London

Camera Assistant - Focus Puller
Munich - London

>Deck: AGDV1DC

I don't know that particular deck, but a Sony deck I used some time ago (DHR1000 or something like that), had a little push-button, with which you could cycle through different time-codes: TC, Time of Day, or ordinary tape counter.

Maybe your deck has something similar?


Martin Heffels
Filmaker/DP/editor/filmschool techie
Sydney, Australia

I concur fully with Allen's summary of time code management for the DVX. Mine is a PAL camera. Ever since I read his strategy when he first posted it some months ago, I have not had problems (except once when I forgot to set back to regen).

Thanks Allen.

Peter Beeh

Thanks all for the suggestions - I will continue to try to narrow this down and report back.

Specifically, I'll follow Allens procedure and see how it develops.

Brian Young
Flaca Productions

I've had this problem before (not with a DVX tho), try running a head cleaner through the deck. That always solved the problem for me. One other suggestion would be, check if the tape was recorded in SP or LP mode, my DSR-40 doesn't read LP mode recorded tapes.

Good luck!

Salvador Garza
Comunicación Digital

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