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Lighting Bubbles


I looking for any insight on lighting bubbles, in this case the bubbles that come out of a bubble machine ala Lawerence Welk or the bubbles that kids blow out of those plastic bottles. The set (either small 3 walled set, or possible in front of greenscreen, yikes) will start with a few bubbles and eventually will be filled with them.

I would love to get as much shape out of them as possible and currently I am thinkng of creating Large soft sources to help create reflections and therefore some shape to the bubbles. There will be Actors interacting with these bubbles. any advice on wall color (obviously not white)

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Learan kahanov

The background will have to be very dark for the best effect from the bubbles. One interesting option is the use of UV active bubble fluid that makes the bubbles glow fairly brightly. This is a standard nightclub style effect, and the UV active solution is available from online vendors.

Other than that you may find lighting the bubbles from below with concealed lightsources quite useful.

Clive Mitchell

>>I looking for any insight on lighting bubbles, in this case the bubbles that come out of a bubble >>machine ala Lawerence Welk or the bubbles that kids blow

You should have a large gobo in front of your light that shows/reflects a simple window with a big cross pattern- two tall frames over the same- like the mullions of an old window. That's what cartoonists have used for decades.

Edwin Myers, Atlanta dp

Hi Learan,

I recall shooting bubbles long ago on white and we got some interesting bubbles in silhouette. Plus the source of the lighting blended in with the background. Testing always helps.

Best Regards,

Jim Sofranko


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