Can someone refer me to a site or manufacturer of a high quality
but simple pan handle grip with zoom/rec control. The samples
I've seen seem to be of poor quality. I need to minimize movement
around the camera to avoid any shaky shots from 500 mm - plus.
This is for environmental productions and I'm using Fujinon
lenses. The Fujinon option available is to cumbersome for
I thank anyone,
Jacques Nortier
Wildlife cameraman, South Africa
I think you'll find the Preston Microforce to be just the
ticket. It is a common unit used in film production and with
the appropriate cable mates successfully to either Canon or
Fujinon video lenses. In addition they manufacture zoom motors
for cine-style HD lenses.
Check their website at:
And then order from your local supplier or rental company.
Cinematographer/ IA600
F900 Owner-Operator
Pacific Palisades, Ca.
I've used several and there's no doubt in my mind the best
option is Micro Force. Solid construction, great flexibility
for use with a variety of lenses, and the best zoom control.
However, if budget is an issue, that could be a problem.
In lieu of a Micro-Force, the Fujinon SRD-52 zoom controls
aren't bad.
To make them more convenient, I've had Precision Camera in
Toronto modify them to attach them permanently to my pan arms
- the cable is run internally through the pan arm, which makes
it convenient for run-and-gun situations. Something like that
might work for you.
George Hupka
Downstream Pictures
Saskatoon, Canada
I use a Micro Force for this type of my wildlife work. They
are low profile and I'm sure others will recommend them too.
They are a must have for long lenses. I also use Fuji lenes
so make sure you get the correct cable for that lens manufacturer.
Good luck.
Larry Curtis
Take a look at the Vocas Z-10 controller. Very nice, ergonomic
design. If you want something smaller and simpler, the Zoe-II
from 16x9inc.com might be more your speed.
Mitch Gross
The Microforce is certainly the standard of the industry for
this function.
We make the Oppenheimer Panhandle which is available in a
handheld configuration which can mount onto most professional
video cameras. The best tough for zoom and an easy REC/STOP
Marty Oppenheimer
Oppenheimer Camera Products
Seattle, WA USA
Thank you very much for the response.
After visiting the Preston Cinema site, I believe the Micro
Force does seem to be the tool I'm looking for. I do hope
its water resistant.
I thank you again
Jacques Nortier
Wildlife cameraman, South Africa
"...we make the Oppenheimer
Panhandle which is available in"
Where can I view (internet) some of the Oppenheimer products
- ?
Jacques Nortier
As a specialist in underwater, wildlife I can honestly say
that nothing (except for my Amphibico housing) is "water
resistant". Think of the salt corrosion as a badge of
courage and it gives your new gear character!!!
Actually, don't underestimate the power of a "Ziploc"
baggie. If you are in salt spray on a boat or on a shoreline,
etc. Wrapping the control in a plastic bag is the best tip
I can give. You will still be able to use it and it may even
give you a better grip depending on how you tape it up. As
I'm sure you know, covering the lens, camera is most important.
Also, don't forget the connectors going into the lens and
the control unit. That's where the damage will occur.
Happy shooting.
Larry Curtis
P.O. BOX 900
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