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Shooting Toys With A Probe


I have a toy job coming up and I need to track a 1.5 inch car around a loop that is approx 18” in diameter.

Would the Frazier Lens work for this? Perhaps the Revolution. I am shooting 16 as well. Likely a HS SR. I would love a motorized rotational 90 degree lens down at the end of a relay tube, however, what ever that is I would like to find it in N.Y. City.

Thank You in Advance

Scott Mumford s.o.c.
Nashville TN USA

Hi Scott,

As you'll see from my website I shoot a lot of small toys.

I've learned from past messages not to mention product names! They were all shot with either the Innovision Probe 2 or the Revolution.

It's horses for courses. Sometimes one is right, sometimes the other.

On a "bang for the buck" basis as you're shooting 16 I assume that this is important, then the Innovision is a clear winner.


Geoff Boyle FBKS

Director of Photography
EU based

>I would love a motorized rotational 90 degree lens down at the end of a >relay tube. And what ever that is I would like to find it in N.Y. City.

NYC is home to Revolution inventor/developer at Cine Magic Int'l.

See if you can get a hold of Peter or Max, both great guys.

Usual Disclaimer : I don't work for Cine Magic... etc.

Mark Doering-Powell
LA based DP

Hi Scott,

The lenses you mentioned are great, you could also try the T-Rex, a very nice system, available in NY from the manufacturer, their site is

and you can get the specs there.

Good Luck,


Disclaimer :I have no affiliations with CPT

Anders Uhl
ICG, New York

Scott Mumford wrote :

>I have a toy job coming up and I need to track a 1.5 inch car around a >Loop that is approx 18" in diameter. Would the Frazier Lens work for >this?Perhaps the Revolution.

Look at the :

Frazier lens, Innovision Probe, Revolution, T-Rex at

Jim Sofranko

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