Frame Grabs From
Tests On ..
SFX200 Near Infra Red Film
They were shot
in Devon UK at the end of my garden, around 9:30 am.
They're the centre exposure of runs that go from -2 to +2 stops at
half stop increments.
The unfiltered shot was rated at 100 ISO which is the recommended rating
and it seems to be spot on.
The red filter was a 2 stop loss so film rated at 25 ISO for those tests.
The SFX was shot as a 4 stop loss as recommended, it may have been marginally
less maybe 3 2/3 film rated at 6 ISO.
Base T stop was 11 unfiltered with a 45 degree shutter to allow for exposure
variation with shutter.
So 5.6 with red and 2.8 with IR which was a gel in the gate of my 435.
The tests were shot on a Cooke 32mm and NO compensation was made for focus
Unfortunately rain clouds moving in killed the black sky/white clouds
effect, the weather is perfect for more tests at the moment but my kit
is in transit to my next shoot.



Red Filter

colour reference shot on Fuji 64D
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